January 12, 2025

Jan. 10, 2025 New Dancer Dance

We held our annual New Dancer dance on Jan. 10 this year with at least two couples and several singles refreshing their skills in attendance.  It was such a pleasure to see the two younger couples there enjoying themselves.  I wish more people had come out to support them, but we have had quite a few members out with physical injuries or under the weather for one reason or another.  My thanks to Nancy Gowins and her husband, members of our sister club Whirl-A-Ways, for staying to support the new dancers.  Nancy does a good job of recruitment herself and is tireless in her enthusiasm for our beloved activity.   She like so many wants to see our dances continue for  a long time into the future.


Bruce Lowther called and his wife Judy Russell cued the dance.  Bruce watched the floor carefully to make sure the newer dancers were able to keep up.    There were some break downs but people regrouped quickly enough and I could tell they were having a good time by seeing all the smiles on their faces.  If we had had a few more guys there we could have had three squares on the floor but unfortunately we simply did not have enough so some like me stepped in to do the guy's part and that of course can be confusing for new dancers.  Still as I said we had a good time and that is all we can ask for at times.


One of the newer dancers who has been refreshing her skills had her 40th birthday so her grandmother provided a beautiful birthday cake for her and all of us.   She was quite pleased.

Here are some photos I took during one tip when I wasn't dancing.




 Next month on February14 we will celebrate our 61st birthday with our "Sweetheart of a 61st Birthday Dance".  Shaun McKamey will be calling that night.  He is a newer, up-and-coming caller who has good timing, a great singing voice with lots of clarity.  You will really like him if you don't already.  On Feb. 28 Mark Wheeler will come down from the Portland area to call for us.  We all like Mark who has a very genial personality and always gets right into the theme of the dances.  This one will be "Your Favorite Cartoon Character".  Perhaps we'll see some Minnie or Mickey Mouses or Donald or Daisy Ducks.  Christina Corelli will be cueing both dances for us.  Christina also likes to get into the theme!  It should be fun.
We just learned that our long time cuer Jackie Gale who hasn't been able to join us all that often lately is going to move with her husband Bill to Nevada to be closer t family.  We will miss you so much, Jackie and Bill!  We wish you every success in your new home.  Nevada's gain, our loss, for sure.
Hope to see all of you dancers at Mid-Winter.  Our club like others will go dark that weekend.
Gaynor Hintz
Club Reporter and Web Master