June 29, 2024


Last night’s dance (June 28) Single Trees hosted a Hawaiian Leis Dance at the Emerald Square Dance Center with Bruce Lowther calling and Jackie Gale cueing. We were treated to a tip called by Sweet Home and Lebanon Square Circlers new caller Shawn and also a round dance tip cued by Bruce’s wife Judy. What a great night of calling, cueing and dancing it was.

We were so excited to see the number of guests that came in support of both Bruce and Shawn. Sweet Home Squarenaders are coming back strong and of course Bruce’s club and Lebanon Square Circlers as well as Corvallis Square were all well represented. We saw lots of ne3w faces and younger faces as well. All this bodes well for dancing in the southern Willamette Valley.

Our president Melba Walker and her sister Joy did a nice job of decorating with the Hawaiian theme. Door prizes of pineapples were given out. Vonda Clayton won split the pot for he first time in along time. She was tickled pink.

Bruce Lowther did an amazing job of calling for us. He as called for us in the past and always has done a nice job but last night he really poured it on. I commend him for his choice of music too and his pacing. Good beat, good timing.

We were also pleased to see so many got into the Hawaiian theme. There were lots of muu-muus and Hawaiian shirts on the floor in a wide array of colors.

What was super amazing was that we actually had five squares on the floor at one time when yours truly decided there were enough sitting around who could be dancing and helping out the lone lady from Corvallis who tried to dance all by herself! She looked like she was having fun but definitely had more fun when seven of us joined her. We ended the evening with hour squares which is highly unusual these days but goes to show that everyone was having fun and didn’t want to leave early.

We hope our summer dances will all go this well. Bruce will be back to call in August. Roger Putzler is calling and Jackie Gale is cueing our next dance July 19 with a Watermelon, Tie-dyes, and Crazy T-Shirt Dance. Please make a note to come out and dance with us this summer.

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter



June 24, 2024

 On Friday, June 21, we held our "Reigning Cats and Dogs" dance, a benefit dance for Greenhill Humane Society.  Mark Wheeler called (down from Portland) and Dave Cooper cued (up from the south coast).  Both did a great job for us and we appreciate their willingness to travel so far.

We had three squares on the floor for mainstream most of the night.  There were visitors from sweet Home and Roseburg as well as fromour sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways.  We missed some of teh Whirl-A-Ways who dance with us regularly as they were on a campout that weekend.  Still with three squares of dancers we had a happy group of dancers.  Several newer dancers,, some of whom belong to Single Trees  were there and had lots of help from the more experienced dancers.

Our President Melba Walker had just returned from an extensive sea cruise with her sister and nephew.  She had also had cataract surgery so did not dance that night.  She announced to the crowd that Single Trees would start dancing on the second Fridays beginning in September.  We may or may not have to dance on the third Friday as we have contracts our with various callers.

Our next dance will be Friday, June 28 with Bruce Lowtheer calling and Jackie Gale cueing.  It will have a Hawaiian theme so wear your muu-muus or Hawaiian shirts and come join us for a fun time!

Gaynor Hintz

Club reporter

June 1, 2024

 I cannot report on our last dance in May which was called by Janet Geiger and cued by Sandy Harris, but the word was it was a fun dance.


We had two new members in May and hope to see them dancing with us   Miko Welborn and Tony Polinky have been dancing with us for some time, but now are full-fledged members and we welcome them.

Our president Melba Walker and her sister, Joy Pitts, F,.P., are currently cruising in the Caribbean living the life of Riley aboard a magnificent cruise ship.  Have fun you two.


In June our third Friday dance June 15 will be our Raining (Reigning) Cats and Dogs dance, which is a benefit dance held annuals for our local humane society, Greenhill.  Please consider donating cash or pet supplies if you plan to come to his dance.  It will feature Mark Wheeler, caller, and Dave Cooper, cuer.  This should be a fun dance, and I would assume well-attended as there are no other dances at the hall except for Spin Cycle Squares on Sunday. 

The 22nd will feature Bruce Lowther and Jackie Gale.  This dance will have a Hawaiian theme so feel free to wear your Hawaiian muu-muuus, shirts, hula skirts and leis.

Please come join us


Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter

May 19, 2024

Mexican Fiesta Dance

Our Mexican Fiesta Dance with Taco Bar held on Friday, May 17, was a smashing success. We had dancers from all around the area come join us for fun dancing and feasting on our favorite tacos. The hall was very tastefully decorated by our president Melba Walker and her cohort Joy Pitts, both of whom are major decorators. (see photo of them below with some of the decorations in the background.

We had four squares on the floor for mainstream but only two for the plus tips. We ended the evening with a short tip after 10 to make up for the time it took for the sit down break. We had three very happy squares at the end of the evening. Jackie Gale did her always amazing job of cueing with many couples on the floor. I believe we had the nice turnout of Lebanon square Circlers due to her fine cueing. We missed seeing all the people from Roseburg but at least one dancer came with a partner from south of us. So many happy faces including many from our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways. If you missed this dance, you probably missed the best dance of the season. Phil Ramey calls to the floor, chooses wonderful music (lots of old timey cowboy tunes with a good beat) and has a nice singing voice. He notices what moves dancers are having trouble with and does a little work shop on that move but doesn’t overdo it. We have quite a few new dancers out a tour dances these days and some who don’t dance all that much so a good work shop doesn’t hurt anyone. I think people appreciated his efforts to help. He’ll be back calling for us so please keep an eye on our schedule.

Next week we will have Janet Geiger calling and Sandy Harris cueing with breakfast being served up special by Joy Pitts. Come one, come all!

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter

Joy Pitts on the right and her sister Melba Walker decorated the hall for this dance.   They are also Vice President and President of Sintgl Trees as of May 2024.



May 1, 2024

 What a fun dance we had April 26!  With a theme of "Under The Big Top" the hall was done up with scenes from the old traveling circuses of the past.  Many came in outfits to match the theme with our Treasurer Joy Pitts dressed as the "fat lady", our new president Melba Walker as the ringmaster, Christina Corelli as the lion tamer, and some with clown noses.  Lots of good cheer with popcorn and other carnival foods available.


K.C. Curtis did the calling that night with Christina Corelli cueing.  We had several newer dancers on the floor too, one of whom joined the club--Chris Brown.  Welcome Chris!   Tammy Polinsky's husband Tony also joined the club that night.  Nice to have new members.  Our membership drive is still on and the forms and dues need to be in by the end of May in order for names to appear in our roster which comes out in June.


Plans are being laid for our annual club picnic this summer.  More news later on.


Here are some photos from the dance: 

Janice came as the tiger lady.  Ron Gates came as himself.

Melba had fun rounding up everyone to take photos of them as the muscle man and the lady on the flying trapeze. Here are K.C. Curtis and his wife Linda, I'm told.

In this square: Suzanne Peterson, Paul Hash, Janice, Tammy Polinsky, Ron Gates, Tony, guest, Ginger (only partially seen) from Sweet Home.,  

Here is Christina Corelli as the Lion Tamer!  What a sweet little lion she has tamed!

Our next dances are May 17 with Phil Ramey and Jackie Gale and May 24 with Janet Geiger and Sandy Harris.  Please come join us.





April 21, 2024

On Friday, April 19, 2024 Single Trees held our Tax Woes dance with Craig Abercrombie calling and cueing.  Craig always chooses great music we love to dance to and keeps up a good pace for our dancers.  He has to come a super long way too but always seems fresh and eager to call for us.  Thank you, Craig.


We had a fairly good turnout with help from members of  our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways.  Some of our members drive a long way too.  Tammy Polinsky and her husband drive from Woodburn, almost an hour and a half north of us on I-5.  We appreciate seeing them dance with us.  Some people are truly dedicated dancers!  There were three squares of shabby hobos on the floor part of the night who enjoyed the hobo stew provided by our president and vice president and some members.  A good time was had by all.


That night we had our annual election of officers and we now have a new president Melba Walker (she is not new to being president, however, as she was president back in 1990 when she was brand new to square dancing).  May you have a successful year, Melba.   


Here are some photos of the last square standing at the end of the night.  Also there is one of our long time member Judy Melendrez who won split the pot while she was busy counting up the ballots.  She is one lucky gal.



We are looking forward to our next dance Friday, April 26 "Under The Big Top" with K.C. Curtis calling and Christina Corelli cueing. We always enjoy dancing to these two. What will Joy and her sister Melba come up with for decorations?  It may be spectacular.  Come join us and see.
Gaynor Hintz
Club reporter




March 23, 2024

Last night March 22, 2024 Single Trees had another really fun dance with Darrell Kalmbach calling and Jackie Gale cueing. We were delighted to have them both, especially Jackie as we have missed her fine cueing so much! Darrell, knowing we had a couple of newly graduated dancers on the floor really did a great job of cueing each step of the calls so they would be able to follow well. Everyone tried to be of good help too. Since it was a spring themed dance with Easter just one week off, Darrell used a lot of gospel tunes to call to. His wife, Erin, was there too to help fill out squares when necessary. So fun to have them both.

Jackie’s husband Bill was on hand too to help a lot of us single gals have a partner for the rounds. While we do get used to dancing by ourselves, it is of course so nice to have a partner. Now if we could only get more guys to take up round dancing!

We had guest come once again from Roseburg's Buckeroos and Lebanon’s Square Circlers. They helped to fill out the four on the floor that we had a great deal of the night. We are so grateful for all the guests who come join us to make the dancing that much more fun.

Our president, Joy Pitts, and our vice president, Melba Walker, did a superlative job of making our dining and kitchen area look festive for spring wth loads of Easter bunnies and eggs of all sorts. Kudos to them both.

Our next dances in April will be the Tax Troubles and Woes—Hobo Stew Dance April 19, and Under The Big Top on April 26. The first one will be called and cued by Craig Abercrombie and the second will be called by K.C. Curtis and cued by Christina Corelli. Both dances should be well attended and provide all the good dancing anyone could want. They are sure to be decorated to the hilt. Please come dance with us whenever you can or are in the vicinity..

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter