August 31, 2018

Single Trees December 2018 Dance

December 14 is our ONLY dance this month
Jim Hattrick is going to be calling our Christmas Party Dance.
Jackie Gale will be cueing our rounds for this dance.
We invite you to come dance and make merry with us.
This is our only dance this month and if you are traveling to be with family over the holidays we wish you safe travels and happy times with those you love.

We dance Plus at 7:30 pm, Rounds and Mainstream from 8 to 10:30
with a snack break and a short meeting around 9:15 or 9:30.

Members please remember to bring finger foods to share.

August 3, 2018

Single Trees August 2018 dances

Summer is here and what a great time to dance and socialize

August 10...Join us Friday August 10 for our Annual Ice Cream Social dance.
Jim Hattrick will be calling and Jackie Gale will be cueing. Jim always gives us an entertaining dance and Jackie is an awesome cuer who is a pleasure to round dance to. So make sure and come to this dance.We will dance Plus at 7:30 pm then Mainstream  and Rounds from 8-10:30 pm. Please bring snacks for the dance and/or a favorite ice cream topping.

August 24...Come dance with us on Friday August 24 for a fun night of dancing. Terry Halley is calling and Jackie Gale is cueing.
We will dance Plus at 7:30 pm then Mainstream  and Rounds from 8-10:30 pm. Please bring finger food snacks for the dance.

We look forward to seeing you in a square.