December 3, 2015

December Dances 2015

11th - Jim Voll will be the highlight caller for our dance this month. Jackie Gale is our cuer. We start at 7:30 p.m. with plus calling, followed by mainstream with rounds until 10:30 p.m. We are still accepting donations for the Food for Lane County drive through tonight. Help us fill our big collection canister.

Roger Putzler teaching new dancers

19th - combined clubs Holiday dance with callers Roger Putzler and Mike Kious and cuer Christine Corelli. There should be a big crowd for this night since it is a new dancer dance. Come and support our new dancers (who are doing very well) and have a wonderful time dancing and visiting with the other clubs' members.

Heads up for January - the Single Trees new dancer dance will be January 8th!

New Dancers and Angels take a spin around the floor.

FYI: You can now go to to get the index of past and current issues of news from the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.

Round Dance Lessons begin Monday, January 4th, 2016. Click on the "Round Dance Lessons" navigation menu bar for more information.

January 29-30, 2016 is Mid-Winter Festival at the Linn County Expo Center.

Other Dances in December:
4th, Fri. - Buccaneers, an all plus Christmas dance starting at 7:30 p.m. – Roger Putzler & Don Marshall, callers and Christine Corelli, cuer
4th, Fri. - Salem Swingin’ Stars, 7:30 p.m. is Plus, 8:00-10:30 p.m. mainstream with rounds
5th, Sat. - Danebo Circle 8, 7:30 pm, caller Roger Putzler and cuer Christine Corelli
5th, Sat. - Lebanon Square Circlers, New Dancers Dance with a Toy Drive - Charlotte Jeskey calling, Jackie Gale cueing 
12th, Sat. - Sweet Home Squarenaders, mainstream dance.
12th, Sat. - Whirl-A-Ways, 7:30 plus workshop, 8-10:30 mainstream with rounds
12th, Sat. - Independence Wagon Wheelers, New Dancer Dance - Polk County Fairgrounds
18th, Fri. - Salem Swingin’ Stars Christmas Dance, 7:30 p.m. plus, 8:00-10:30 p.m. mainstream with rounds
20th, Sun. - Capital Callers and Cues Assn. New Dancer Dance - Salem Square Dance Center 1:30 p.m.
**31st - New Year’s Eve Dance at ESDC** – Roger Putzler calling, Christina Corelli cueing. Just $2! Bring a pie to share if you can. Formal attire admired but not required. Starts at 8:30 pm with pre-rounds, and continues from 9:00 with mainstream and rounds with one tip after midnight.

November 2, 2015

November 2015 square dances

cuer Jackie Gale
Nov. 13th, Fri. - Single Trees dance with plus at 7:30 pm,  mainstream and rounds from 8:00-10:30 pm.  Caller  is Don Marshall and cuer is Jackie Gale.  Don is going to be retiring very soon, so get to dance to his calling before you miss the opportunity. This is one of our regular dances, so square dance attire is much admired.

This dance kicks off our Food for Lane County drive. Please bring canned foods to be donated to FLC before the Christmas holidays. They will be accepted through December 11th.

Nov 27th, Fri. - SingleTrees dance with plus at 7:30 pm, mainstream and rounds from 8:00-10:30 pm - caller Craig Abercrombie and cuer Jackie Gale. This is always a good dance to get rid of some of those extra Thanksgiving pounds. So plan to join us and have a good time.

CCCA Halloween Dance Vistation
Halloween Conversation

Other Dances in area:

most Sundays - Spin Cycle Squares dance 5:30-8:00 pm at ESDC: All Levels – Tim Matteson / Syb Eaglewolfe

6th, Fri. - Buccaneers, plus dance – Putzler / Corelli

 6th, Fri., Salem Swingin’ Stars, 7:30 pm plus, 8:00-10:30 pm mainstream
7th, Sat. - Danebo Circle 8 - 7:30 pm pre-rounds, 8:00-10:00 pm mainstream and rounds,  Putzler / Corelli

From Single Trees Oct. 9th dance
 with Richard Lane calling

7th, Sat. - Lebanon Square Circlers, mainstream

Single Trees Costume Winners
Gaynor, Janet, Sharon and Shirley
13th, Fri. - Alliance Plus Dance, Lebanon IOOF Hall, Lowther / Russell

14th, Sat. - Sweet Home Squarenaders' Turkey Dance - Hattrick / Gale - 6:30 pm Dinner, 7:30 pm mainstream (every 3rd tip plus) $15 at door with dinner. Hattrick is back in the swing of things!

14th, Sat. Whirl-A-Ways, MS - 7:30 Hexagone Squares, 8:00-10:30 pm mainstream

Dan Norbye

20th, Fri. - Pumpkin Pie Promenade featuring national caller Dan Nordbye and cuer Julie Stiers at the Abernathy Grange, 15745 Harley Ave, Oregon City,.7:00 pm is A-1,  7:30-8:00 pm are intermediate rounds,  8:00-10:30 pm is mainstream, plus, and rounds phase 2.

20th, Fri. - Salem Swingin’ Stars, 7:30 pm is plus, 8:00-10:30 pm is mainstream

21st, Sat. - Danebo Circle 8, MS  Ludiker / Corelli

21st, Sat. - Lebanon Square Circlers, Girls Night Out - mainstream and rounds with Jeskey / Harris
More CCCA Halloween Vistation

28th, Sat. - Whirl-A-Ways, MS - 7:30pm is  plus, 8:00-10:30 pm is mainstream and rounds

28th, Sat. - Willamette Squares Thanksgiving Dance - dinner 6:30 pm, pre-rounds 7:30 pm, mainstream 8:00 pm - Harris / Gale $10.00 donation at the door

29th, Sun. - Albany Timber Twirlers, New Dancer Dance 2:00-4:00 pm - Lowther / Harris

From Fall 2015 Square Dance Lessons
Thank You to all those who are Angels!

October 4, 2015

October Dances 2015

LESSONS START OCTOBER 6th! See below for information.
Richard Lane

Single Trees Dances:

9th - Richard Lane and Jackie Gale are caller and cuer for this dance. Plus is always at 7:30 pm, with rounds and mainstream starting at 8:00 pm until 10:30 pm.  We usually have a sit-down break at 9:15 pm.
Richard Lane is a 13 year veteran of the national circuit but obviously never made it out west or at least not to Oregon until he got hired up in Portland by the phone company a few years ago. He is an excellent caller, fast-paced, clear-voiced, funny and witty with a great singing voice.  He has a website online and calls in the Portland area as much as he can.  He's called for us a few times; if you haven't had the opportunity, you are missing out. See you there!
Scott Zinser

25th - Scott Zinser and Jackie Gale are caller and cuer for our Halloween Dance. So dress up, and vie for one of the prizes in several categories.  It is always a fun night and Scott is a good caller. So members, bring your finger foods and everyone be ready for a good time. Dance, dance, dance!!

Other Dances of Interest:

10th - Whirl-A-Ways - dance starts 7:30 with a Plus Workshop with Mike Kious, then 8:00 pm is mainstream with rounds.

17th - Danebo Circle 8's Annual Mask Dance - so wear an enchanting (or scary) one. 7:30 pm is rounds with Christina Corelli, and 8:00 pm is mainstream and plus tips with Roger Putzler.

31st - Cascade Callers & Cuers Association 5th Saturday Costume Dance with prizes! Costumes are admired but not required. 7:30 pm pre-rounds, 8:00 pm mainstream with a variety of callers and cuers. Please support our callers & cuers.

Upcoming of Interest:
Dan Nordbye

Nov. 20th - Pumpkin Pie Promenade featuring national caller Dan Nordbye and cuer Julie
Stiers at the Abernathy Grange, 15745 Harley Ave, Oregon City. 7:00 pm - A1 level; 7:30 pm - Intermediate Rounds; 8:00-10:30 pm - mainstream, plus, rounds phase 2. For
Information: call 503-804-3774 or email jmstiers[at]

Square Dance Lessons:

Square Dance Lessons (Mainstream) start October 6th, a Tuesday, but still accepting new students on Oct. 8th and October 13th.  There are two lessons per week which means greater retention, finishing faster and FUN! This is modern square dancing which is different than what we learned back in junior high, but a few moves would be familiar. 

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Cost: $2 per person  (What a deal!)
Who: Everybody and anybody. If you can walk you can square dance.

Roger Putzler
Teacher and Caller: Roger Putzler has been calling and square dancing since he was 10 years old back in Chicago. Roger and his wife Linda live in Albany. They are both retired educators.

If you already square dance and wish to learn the Plus level, please stay after the Mainstream class on Thursdays starting October 8.  Plus lessons will run from 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm on Thursday evenings. ($5)

AND … we need angels for both mainstream and plus lessons. For those wanting to learn Plus - come and angel for mainstream, and then stay for Plus lessons on Thursdays at 8:30 pm.

September 2, 2015

September 2015 Square & Round Dances

Single Trees dancing at a summer Whirl-A-Ways dance.
September 11th - Back to School Sock Hop! Got any clothing that is from the 50s? Now is the time to drag it out, slick back your hair or pony tail it, flip it, whatever, and come have a great night. Square dance attire is also admired. George Hermann will be calling and Jackie Gale will be cueing for your dancing pleasure. Be creative with those finger foods. Gosh, what did we eat back in the 50s? Can anyone even remember? And for those not old enough to know, just bring some yummy snacks. We should have a fun time in the old town tonight! Schedule: 7:30 pm is Plus; 8:00 pm is mainstream and rounds. We take a break around 9:15 pm and then dance until 10:30 pm.

Check out the new sound boards (baffles) which many volunteers from several clubs made and hung. Thanks to Marvin Baker for heading up the project. And thanks to Leo Weninger and the many members of several clubs who helped to make and assembled them. And while you are at it, give a close listen to the new center hanging speaker which was donated anomyously. Now there are no more dead spots on the dance floor! (We are still tweaking the system, but so far, so good.)

September 25th - Another wonderful dance with Craig Abercrombie as caller. It will be a hot time since he always stirs up a speedy dance rhythm. Schedule is the same as above, and finger foods are always welcome.

Jackie Gale will be cueing. And as many of you know, Jackie has been a guest caller for us a number of times, but now she is our club cuer. We are very lucky!

Single Trees annual picnic dancers at Suzanne's place in the country.
 There were only 21 of us this year , but it was fun!
Other Dances or Events:

Bucaneers dance "Plus" on the 1st Friday of the month from October to June. (Just so you don't come when the hall is dark.)  AND!!! October 2nd is their 49th birthday celebration with ice cream and cake. Prerounds with Christine Corelli at 7:30. Plus starts at 8 pm until 10 pm with Roger Putzler.

Danebo Circle 8 dances on the first and third Saturdays of the month (7:30 pm pre-rounds, 8:00 pm mainstream).

Whirl-A-Ways dance on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month.

National Square Dance Day - we need dancers!
September 12th - second Saturday
Where: Island Park (under the bridge near the playground) 
200 B Street / Springfield, OR 97477
When: 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Lennie Ludiker is calling, and Sharon Greenman is cueing

We'd like a lot of dancers to come and show others just how much fun it is.  This is our big advertising day. Casual or square dance attire, doesn't matter.
July round dancers.
 That's Janet, our newsletter editor!

Round Dance Lessons:
Christina Corelli will begin Round Dancing lessons on Monday, September 14th at 7:00 pm with beginner waltz, followed by intermediate rounds (need to know waltz and two-step) at 8:15 pm. For more information click on the navigation bar at the top for Round Dance Lessons.

Square Dance Lessons:
Square Dance Lessons (Mainstream) start October 6th, a Tuesday.  There are two lessons per week which means greater retention, finishing faster and FUN! This is modern square dancing which is different than what we learned back in junior high, but a few moves would be familiar. 

When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Cost: $2 per person  (What a deal!)
Who: Everybody and anybody. If you can walk you can square dance.

July square dancers.
 Summer is when casual dress is okay.
Teacher and Caller: Roger Putzler has been calling and square dancing since he was 10 years old back in Chicago. Roger and his wife Linda live in Albany. They are both retired educators.

If you already square dance and wish to learn the Plus level, please stay after the Mainstream class on Thursdays starting October 8.  Plus lessons will run from 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm on Thursday evenings. ($5)

ANDwe need angels for both mainstream and plus lessons. For those wanting to learn Plus - come and angel for mainstream, and then stay for Plus lessons on Thursdays at 8:30 pm.

August 3, 2015

August 2015 Dances

*Remember, always 7:30 pm for plus dancing, with mainstream starting at 8:00 pm. And July and August months are ALWAYS casual dress for our Single Trees dances.* Stay cool in the air conditioned hall.

August 14th - Caller: Terry Halley, Cuer: Jackie Gale. Glad to welcome back Terry for another fun dance. Jackie Gale will be our cuer for 2015-2016, so come and dance to her rounds. Remember finger food all you Single Trees!  With most of the clubs dark in the summer, we expect a good turnout.

August 28th - Hot August Nights / End of Summer Dance. Sandy Harris will be calling and cueing. A great time should be had by all with the many-talented Sandy Harris. Can't think of anything better to do to spend a hot August night - and there are always plenty of refreshments.

Other Dances:

August 1st - Danebo Circle 8
, 7:30 Rounds with Christina, 8:00 pm Squares with Lennie Ludiker.

August 15th - Danebo Circle 8, Putzler/Corelli, same times as above.


Larry Dupray, caller for the Wolf Pack is having a Saturday morning workshop to help hone those dancing skills and give you floor time. Every Saturday morning through September 26th, 2015. Time: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Air conditioned / cushioned wood floor. Casual Attire. Adults: $3.50, Youth and Teens: $2. Family rates available. Emerald Dance Center, Hall B / Please park in the back
2095 Yolanda, Springfield OR.

Other fun events in August:

August 9th, Sunday - Single Trees Picnic at Suzanne's country property off Seavey Loop. Starts at noon. Potluck picnic and games (Club supplying hamburgers & hot dogs & condiments). Bring something yummy to share with the group. Bring chairs if you can, maybe something to drink, and your plates and utensils. We will have some for people who don't have any. Do I hear a challenge for croquet? Maybe badminton? How about the dog race game? (Bring those quarters.) We had a lot of fun last year for sure.

August 15th, Saturday - Wolf Pack, Potluck picnic, South shelter Island Park 10 am to 2 pm.

And see "Cleaning the Hall" below.

Cleaning the Hall

Ready for anything!
These are going to be spotless!
Spray, spray, spray.
At 8:00 a.m. Saturday morning, August 1st, a bunch of square dancers showed up to clean the front (and side and back doors and lights) of the Emerald Square Dance Hall. There were more cobwebs in the eaves, on windows and door frames, and dirt on the walls than one can imagine. When it was done it looked like it had been painted. We can again be proud of our square dance hall which will now be an inviting vision for visitors. 

Clean it up!
Get that dirt!
Should we do that too?
Thanks to John Pape and his power washing equipment (and cleaning the concrete  sidewalk as well), Terry Nelson and his hosing down the walls and lights, Leah Firth for cleaning up everything they left behind on the ground,  Shirley Marc for dealing with cobwebs around doors and other parking lot refuse, and John Dilg for his window washing expertise, and Michael and Diane Burt for their work and for overseeing the whole process. Yay Team!

May 30, 2015

June 2015 Dances

May Dance
12th, Fri., Single Trees, 7:30 pm plus, 8:00 pm mainstream – Reigning Cats and Dogs – Benefit for Greenhill Humane Society –  K. C. Curtis/ Jackie Gale.

Dollars, checks, blankets, pet food, pillows, etc., are all welcome donations to this annual event. It is a fun dance and we also help our furry friends. (You can always call Greenhill to see what they might need in supplies.)

26th, Fri., Single Trees, 7:30 plus, 8-10:30 pm mainstream – Scott Zinser / Christina Corelli. 
Single Trees swirl to the beat

Other Dances:
5th, Fri., Buccaneers, plus, 7:30 - 10:00 pm – Roger Putzler/Christina Corelli
Salem Swingin’ Stars, 7:30PM plus, 8-10:30PM mainstream

6th, Sat., Danebo Circle 8, 7:30 rounds, 8:00 pm mainstream – Roger Putzler/Christina Corelli

6th, Sat., Lebanon Strawberry Festival Dance, mainstream – Randy Dibble/Jackie Gale. Strawberry shortcake will be available at the break.

7th, Sun., The Crew at the ESDC sponsored by the Whirl-A-Ways, 1:30 pm rounds, 2:00 - 4:30 pm mainstream

12-14th, Buckeroo Round Up – 3 day event – Featured caller and cuer: Scott and Erin Byars

Single Trees spring bonnet dance

13th, Sat., Whirl-A-Ways, plus 7:30 pm, 8:00 pm mainstream

14th, Sun., Wildlife Safari Benefit Dance, Linda Putzler, our CCCA president, is in charge. Kirby Goode and Roger Putzler are in charge of sound/equipment  Linda is working with folks down south. This is a fun way to help Wildlife Safari. They've been allowing us to tour the park afterwards as a thank you.The park is outside of Winston which is southwest of Roseburg.

19th, Fri., Salem Swingin’ Stars, 7:30 pm plus, 8-10:30 pm mainstream

Christina cues at spring bonnet dance
20th, Sat., Danebo Circle 8, 7:30 pm rounds, 8:00 pm mainstream – Guest Caller / Christina Corelli

27th, Sat., Whirl-A-Ways, 7:30 plus, 8:00 pm mainstream, Pie and Ice Cream Social – Hawaiian theme- all singing calls

April 27, 2015

May 2015 Dances

Updated as of May 20th…

9th - Saturday - Fiesta Dance with Taco Bar provided by Whirl-A-Ways and Single Trees as co-hosts.  This will be a fun dance with the two clubs coming together like they did last year. We are hoping to have many guests from other square dance clubs. Plus is at 7:30 pm, and Mainstream at 8:00 pm. Single Trees and Whirl-A-Ways members have signed up for the Taco bar items. Any other club members attending can bring dessert items if they would like.

22nd - Friday - Craig Abercrombie calling and cueing. All dancers remember your finger foods and be prepared for having guest dancers as well.  We should have a great time dancing with all the terrific music Craig usually supplies with his zippy delivery. Be prepared to move and burn those calories!

Other Dances:
1st  - Buccanners Plus with Putzler and Corelli (7:30 pm)
       - Salem Swingin' Stars (7:30 pm)
2nd - Danebo  Circle 8 - Putzler and Corelli (7:30 pm)
       - Lebanon Square Circles Fiesta Dance - Jeskey and Pinion
8th  - Alliance Plus Dance - Other and Pinion
15th - Salem Swingin' Stars (7:30 pm)
16th - Danebo Circle 8 is dark
        - Lebanon Square Circlers - Jeskey and Gale
22-25th - Boatnik Festival in Grants Pass - Pat Carnathan, caller; and Jo Yakimowski, cuer.
23rd - Whirl-A-Ways
29th - Salem Swingin' Stars - Plus night
30th - CCCA 5th Saturday Dance at ESDC - 7:30 pm pre-rounds, 8-10:00 pm mainstream. Called and cued by CCCA members.

Heads Up:
5th-6th is the Strawberry Festival dance in Lebanon - strawberry shortcake on Saturday night!
7th June - The Crew at ESDC sponsored by the Whirl-A-Ways

Fiesta Dance was a big success!!

April 1, 2015

April 2015 Dances

10th - Spring Bonnet Dance with Jim Voll calling and Christina Corelli cueing. There will be prizes for the neatest hats … remember the song "In your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it?"  Well, that's where this dance theme came from. Plus dancing from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm. From 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm will be New Dancer Level to help out those new dancers Jim Voll is now teaching. So come and have a great time - Jim will make it interesting.

24th - for this dance Terry Halley will be our caller for squares and Christina Corelli will again do the cueing for the round dances. We expect at least one square from the Salem Swinging Stars to visit that night, so ST members, please remember to bring your finger foods. It should be a very good dance.

25th - Hall Clean Up Day - inside and outside to start at 9:00 am to whenever. Bring implements of choice and let's spruce the place up! If you can only give an hour, it will be much appreciated. "Many hands make light work."

25th: 12:45 to 1:15 Square Dance Demo at Lane County Fairgrounds (the four clubs involved are trying to get 2 squares together for this - see Shirley if you are interested). Table for "Dare to Dance Square" going on all day from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and we need people to man the table. So help with the hall cleanup if you can and then pop on over to the Fairgrounds and wear your T-shirt "Dare to Dance Square.  If you don't have one, perhaps you can pick up a $6 T-shirt at the next dance, or get a button from Janet and some cards from Christine Beneda. Let's make our club grow again.

Other Dances

3rd - Buccaneers Plus Dance - Don Marshall is joining Roger Putzler at this dance at the ESDC. 7:30 pm pre-rounds with Christina Corelli, and 8:00 pm starts mainstream.

4th - Roseburg Buckaroos birthday dance and Single Trees visitation (check the vistation navigation tab above for more info).

11th - The Whirl-A-Ways are having a scrambled outfits dance. Now that should be interesting!

Dan Norbye
14th - Tuesday - Dan Norbye, national caller will be at the ESDC. This dance is sponsored by Danebo Circle 8. This is always a terrific dance - so come one, come all.

19th - Boots and Sandals 62nd Birthday Dance at the London Grange in Cottage Grove.  2:00 pm pre-rounds with Neil Koozer with easy mainstream starting at 2:30 with Lennie Ludiker calling. Square dance attire admired but not required. Split the pot, door prizes, cake and ice cream provided. Bring a dish to share at the potluck near the end of the dance.  Address: 72746 London Rd.

March 4, 2015

March 2015 Dances

Friday, the 13th will be our combined Black Cat and St. Patricks Day dance.  The very fun black cat portion of the dance has someone dressed as a black cat going around to all the squares while the lights are out and only black light is on for a few of the dances. Wear a bit of white so we can find you in the dark. White gloves help the dancers a lot. You can also wear green for the St. Patricks day theme. Seems like those green and white Single Tree colors would work just right.

Terry Halley will be the caller for this dance - a good singer/caller with some excellent music. We are also glad to have Christina Corelli as our cuer for the evening. And members, please remember those finger foods for the break.

Friday, March 27th Lennie Ludiker will be our caller and Jackie Gale will do the cueing. This will make for a really fun dance!

Other Dances:

March 7th - Danebo Circle 8 is 65 years old - join them in this special dance with pre-rounds at 7:30 pm and mainstream starting at 8:00 pm. Roger Putzler is the caller and Christina Corelli is cueing.

March 14th the Whirl-A-Ways will be hosting a "partial" new dancer dance. Plus will start at 7:30 pm. At 8:00 pm there will be an hour of new dancer level. For the rest of the evening, mainstream and new dancer level will alternate. This is themed as a "pajama dance" so interesting PJ outfits will be on many dancers. This could be really fun - give it a whirl!

March 28th is a Single Trees visitation night. Check the visitation schedule from the menu bar.

 Photos from our February Birthday Dance with the Wild Cards:

February 6, 2015

February Dances 2015

Helen Halley, cuer
Feb. 13th - Single Trees Sweetheart of a 51st Birthday Dance with the Wild Cards calling and Helen Halley cueing. This will be a really good dance, as always. Come celebrate with us!

Feb 27th - Single Trees dance with Craig Abercrombie calling and cueing.

Square Dance Lessons just started on Feb. 4th. Not too late to join in on the 11th, Wednesday. Jim Voll is giving lessons - so you know this is really good. Bring friends. There were 26 new dancers on the 4th - so lots of angels are needed. I heard there were 8 squares of dancers all together - fantastic!

Other February Dances:
6th - Buccaneers Plus dance with Roger Putzler calling and Christine Corelli cueing. 7:30 pm round dancing and 8 pm starts plus squares at the Hall.

14th - the Whirl-A-Ways are having their Valentine dance - good timing! Come and support this fun dance.

21st - Danebo Circle 8 special Chinese New Year Dance (dress up if you like) with Lennie Ludiker calling and Christina Corelli cueing pre-rounds at 7:30. Mainstream dance is 8 pm until 10 pm.

Happy Valentines Day!
From 2011 Valentines Dance

January 3, 2015

January 2015 Dance Schedule (new item on 30th!)

Note:  the New Year's Eve dance sponsored by Putzler and Corelli was excellent with a large turnout and a lot of pies. We all had a great time.

9th - New Dancers Dance and Baked Potato Feed - Roger Putzler calling, and Jackie Gale cueing the rounds. All clubs - come and support the "almost graduated" new dancers and enjoy baked potatoes at the break with all the fixings. Remember, members to bring items to go with the potatoes. Additional finger foods and other goodies are appreciated as well. Actual mainstream will most likely start at 8 pm.

13th - (Tues.) New Dancer Graduation and dance at the ESDC from 7 pm to 8:30 pm.

23rd - Our club will be dark for Mid-Winter.

Upcoming: Feb. 13th - Single Trees Sweetheart of a 51st Birthday Dance with the Wild Cards calling and Helen Halley cueing. This will be an really good dance, as always. Come celebrate with us!

Other January Dances:
2nd - Buccaneers Plus dance with Roger Putzler calling and Christine Corelli cueing.

23rd-25th is Mid-Winter Festival at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany with featured caller, Jet Roberts of California, and featured cuers, Peter and Chama Gomez of Colorado.

30th - NEW - 7 pm Round Dance Party at the ESDC Hall.

31st - CCCA 5th Saturday Dance at the ESDC Hall - amateur caller night with George and Patty Hermann as MC and cure.