November 23, 2024

Thanksgiving Celebration Dance

 Hi, just a few words to describe our Friday, Nov. 22 dance.  While the turnout was not great we had a really fun night dancing to Bruce Lowther and Sandy Harris.  Bruce put some good calls together for us.  We had one square for the plus tips and two for the mainstream tips with three on one occasion.   We had visitors from the Alliance clubs to the north of us, supporting Bruce.   While we do enjoy dancing plus, given the fact that we have quite a few newer mainstream dancers it might be good to consider changing the format of our dances so the newer dancers can be on the floor more.  We would like to see them get as much floor time as possible.  Many of them are now taking round dance classes too.  Good for them!  Our cuers will be happy to see more on the floor during the round dance tips.

This was the last dance for us in November.  We will only have one dance in December--our Christmas Dinner and Dance. on Dec. 20, the third Friday.  We will NOT have a dance on the 2nd and 4th Fridays that month.

In January on the second Friday, Jan. 10,  we will hold a New Dancer dance.  It should be a good one and we hope to welcome new dancers from our area as well as other areas.   Bruce Lowther will be calling and his wife, Judy Russell, will be cueing.  Come on out and join us!