June 29, 2024

Hawaiian Nights Dance


Last night’s dance (June 28) Single Trees hosted a Hawaiian Leis Dance at the Emerald Square Dance Center with Bruce Lowther calling and Jackie Gale cueing. We were treated to a tip called by Sweet Home and Lebanon Square Circlers new caller Shawn and also a round dance tip cued by Bruce’s wife Judy. What a great night of calling, cueing and dancing it was.

We were so excited to see the number of guests that came in support of both Bruce and Shawn. Sweet Home Squarenaders are coming back strong and of course Bruce’s club and Lebanon Square Circlers as well as Corvallis Square were all well represented. We saw lots of ne3w faces and younger faces as well. All this bodes well for dancing in the southern Willamette Valley.

Our president Melba Walker and her sister Joy did a nice job of decorating with the Hawaiian theme. Door prizes of pineapples were given out. Vonda Clayton won split the pot for he first time in along time. She was tickled pink.

Bruce Lowther did an amazing job of calling for us. He as called for us in the past and always has done a nice job but last night he really poured it on. I commend him for his choice of music too and his pacing. Good beat, good timing.

We were also pleased to see so many got into the Hawaiian theme. There were lots of muu-muus and Hawaiian shirts on the floor in a wide array of colors.

What was super amazing was that we actually had five squares on the floor at one time when yours truly decided there were enough sitting around who could be dancing and helping out the lone lady from Corvallis who tried to dance all by herself! She looked like she was having fun but definitely had more fun when seven of us joined her. We ended the evening with hour squares which is highly unusual these days but goes to show that everyone was having fun and didn’t want to leave early.

We hope our summer dances will all go this well. Bruce will be back to call in August. Roger Putzler is calling and Jackie Gale is cueing our next dance July 19 with a Watermelon, Tie-dyes, and Crazy T-Shirt Dance. Please make a note to come out and dance with us this summer.

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter