September 18, 2023

 The new dance year got off to a good start at the Single Trees Sept. 15, 2023 Sock Hop Dance with Craig Abercrombie calling and cueing.  Craig always does a fine job of calling and is especially good with this theme.  We were happy to dance to his cueing as well that night.  We had fewer out of town visitors that night, but those that attended enjoyed themselves and also liked the root beer floats that our president and vice president served at a formal sit-down break.  We had lots of over-sized white shirts as well as t-shirts paired with blue jeans just like in the 50's.  There was also a few poodle skirts on hand.  Just the way to kick off a new dance season.

Our next dance will be this coming Friday, Sept. 22 with Mark Wheeler calling and Christina Corelli cueing.  These two should keep the floor happy by calling and cueing their best.

Here is a group shot from Friday, Sept. 15's dance.  My thanks to Melba Walker's camera for the photo.

Our president Joy Pitts in yellow is front and center.

See you all in a square soon.,

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter