Unfortunately, this reporter missed the two dances held in June on the 16th and the 23rd. The one on the 16th was spur of the moment, but we still had two squares on the floor dancing to Roger Putzler's calling and Jackie |Gale's cuein g. On the 23rd K.C. Curtis was down from Gresham with his wife to call a mighty fine dance for us with nearly four squares of dancers in attendance. We love K.C.'s voice and choice of music and he did us proud! We were happy to see three couples from Roseburg's Buckeroos and one couple down from Woodburn to help fill out the squares. Thank you all for being willing to drive so far.
We are continuing to offer two dances per month as it is summer and so many other clubs go dark. On July 14th we will have Darrell Kalmbach calling with Christina Corelli cueing. This should be a super fun dance as we had a nice turnout in April for Darrell. Darrell's wife Erin often accompanies him and as she likes to dance she is often on the floor. They make a good duo. Jackie cued for us and there were many coup0les on the floor. This time Christina Corelli will do the honors as cuer. We hope you will all come out and join us for this and for the one on the 28th with Janet Geiger calling and Jackie Gale cueing.
We have three new dancers who have joined our club: Patricia Reinhart, Diana Hodges, and Jim Olheier who recently married one of our long-time members, Susan Hess. Welcome to them all! And congratulations to Susan and Jim.
Gaynor Hintz
Club Reporter