On March 24 we had our fourth Friday dance with Mark Wheeler calling and Jackie Gale cueing. Jackie Gale's husband Bill was on hand to help man the door for our treasurer Joy Pitts so she could dance and also to squire some of the ladies on the round dance floor. We had a nice turnout considering our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways, was at the coast for their spring campout. We had two squares for plus and three for mainstream. There were some newly graduated dancers in attendance so Mark did a lot of repetition so that they could do the calls better. Jackie had a full round dance floor as some of our guys who love to round dance were in attendance. A good time was had by one and all.
We held our annual election of officers last night and have a new president, Joy Pits. Her sister Melba will be vice president and help her along the way. Not only will she be president but she will also continue to be treasurer. Both are big jobs and demand a lot of time and energy. Thank you , Joy, for stepping forward to keep our club running.
We're looking forward to our April 22 dance but at this point we do not know who will be calling this dance. Jim Hattrick remains in rehab and even when released to go home it will take quite a long time to recuperate according to his wife Judy. We continue to send good thoughts his way.
In May on the second Saturday of the month we will combine with our sister club, the Whirl-A-Ways, to hold our annual Mexican Fiesta dance with Mike Kious calling and Christina Corelli cueing. This is always a fun dance as we have a sit down break with a taco bar and many wear their most colorful shirts and dresses. Please come join us!