June 4, 2022

We're looking forward to a fun dance on June 24 with Jim Hattrick and Jackie Gale.  They make a great team keeping both round dancers and square dancers happy.  Don't forget it is our Reigning Cats and Dogs dance, a benefit for the Greenhill l Humane society.  Please consider bringing a  donation of cash or pet supplies with you to the dance.  Our door charge is $6.00 per person but the club would appreciate any small donation you might care to make as the number of dancers these days is limited due to the pandemic keeping people away still. 

 We will not be dancing on the 4th Friday in July because that is the weekend of the Diamond Lake Festival which we hope many will be attending.  On the second Sunday  in July we will hold our annual club picnic out at Suzanne's Peterson's country house, set amongst the tall shade trees and beautiful gardens on the five acre property.  It should run from noon to 3:30 or so.  All members, friends of members and family are welcome to come to the potluck barbecue.

All for now.  Happy dancing.
