January 10, 2020

Dance schedule changes

There have been some changes to our 2020 dance schedule. Here's the updated info:

  2019-2020 Single Trees Dance Schedule

Jan. 10            Roger Putzler/ Christina Corelli     New Dancer Dance
       24            DARK FOR MID-WINTER

Feb. 14           Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale   Sweetheart of a 56th Birthday                 
        28        Canceled/ DARK

Mar. 13          Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale     Luck of the Irish/Baked Potato Bar
         27          Scott Zinser/ Jackie Gale

April 10          Jim Hattrick/Jackie Gale                Spring Fling
       l 24       Darrell Kalmbach/Christina Corelli

May 8         George Hermann & Mike Kious/Gale      Combined Mexican Fiesta
        22        DARK

June 12     Hattrick/  Gale                      Annual Reigning Cats and Dogs Benefit
        26      Craig Abercrombie/ Jackie Gale

July 10       Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale          Crazy T-Shirt Dance
       24       Lennie Ludiker/ Jackie Gale

Aug. 14     Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale           
         21     Terry Halley/ Jackie Gale          Tropical Beach Party

Sept.  11     TBA
          25      Richard Lane?


 (Updated  11/23/19)