13th, Fri. - Single Trees Crazy T-Shirt and Suspenders Dance with Renee Ruud as caller and NancyAnn Nobles as cuer. This was a very fun dance! Thanks Lois for this fun collage.
Neil Koozer, cuer |
27th, Fri. - Single Trees dance with K.C. Curtis as caller and Neil Koozer as cuer - a couple of favorites on the calling and cueing scene. Don't miss them!
at ESDC:
More plus workshops by Roger Putzler: 7 pm to 8:30 pm. $5 each. He is planning to work on all positions Plus. Dates are June 3rd and17th; and July 1st, 15th (Cancelled), and 29th. There were two full squares on the 3rd, so come early or bring others with you and make it three or four squares. We can all learn something new and help others at the same time.
Other Dances and Festivals in June:
19-20th - Oregon Summer Festival, Crook County Middle School, Prineville OR – Bob Jones/Randy Dibble, calling/ Mary Ann Callahan/Jonathan Wood cueing.