June 2012 Dances
8th - Terry Halley is visiting us again from Gresham to call for our "Reigning Cats and Dogs" benefit dance for Greenhill. Bring dog or cat food, checks are good made out to "Greenhill" or cash or kitty litter, or old towels - they can use them all. Our guest caller for this day, as many of you know, is a member of the square dance callers group the "Wild Cards" composed of KC Curtis, Mike Halley and himself who call in harmony. In February 2013 they will call for our birthday dance.
22nd - Wear your craziest T-shirt and come dance casual at our Crazy T-shirt dance with caller Craig Abercrombie who needs no introductions. If you haven't danced to Craig's calling, you haven't been out square dancing much. So come and find out what you've been missing! You will move to the beat of his great music and steady calling technique. And he will always surprise us with a new (or an old) move to keep things fresh.