Friday night Feb. 28 we had such a fun dance with Mark Wheeler calling and Christina Corelli cueing. We had 3 squares on the floor on and off all evening. There were newer dancers from our area as well as from the clubs to the north of us. Many new faces were out as well.
Mid-way through our president Melba Walker presented some gifts to a number of members who had shown their loyalty to the club in various ways--some have helped in the kitchen dance after dance (Margaret and Roger); some have devoted themselves to committee work and functions, keeping our bulletin board up-to-date as well as our albums, (our Historian, Vonda Clayton); sending out birthday and get well cards as well as sympathy cards (our Sunshine lady, Betty Aukerman); floor cleaning detail (Ross Isobel). Melba will be due a get well card herself after she has surgery on her shoulder in a few weeks.
We also held our annual election to bring in a new board of officers. Thank you to all who ran for office and to all those who have helped out over the years and are now stepping down. Our new president will be Connie Seamans with Linda Neuschwander as Vice President. They will be installed into their respective offices at our March 5 board meeting this Wednesday. We also have two people serving on the board for the first time: Chris Brown will be our secretary and Renee VanDole will be our Hall Delegate. to the ESDC.
Here are some photos taken by me of various squares on the floor having a great time.