October 26, 2024

Halloween Bash


Last night’s Single Trees’ Halloween Bash will stand out as one of the highlights of this season. While our turnout was small, the people who came really got into the spirit of Halloween, wearing all manner of costumes, very creative and fun as well as scary.

Roger Putzler called a well-paced dance for us with plus tips and mainstream tips. We had only one square for our plus tips and two for our mainstream tips. Christina Corelli was having voice problems from allergies but did a very nice job of cueing and choosing our favorites to dance to. While there were never many in the circle it was still a lot of fun.

Our president Melba Walker was also having voice problems due to laryngitis. She was however still game to put on a good show and had a remarkable costume on. She and her sister Joy had worked tirelessly to decorate for the dance but had to undecorate the same night as the hall was rented out the next day. What a shame that Spin Cycle Squares who dance on Sundays didn’t get to admire the decorations.

Three dancers won prizes. Christina would have won but as cuer they did not place her name in the running—she was very creative and came as a salt and pepper shaker. How clever. Our president should have won too—great costume.

We were all pleased to see two couples from the Corvallis area as well as one couple from the south of us. We also had visitors from our sister club the Whirl-A-Ways. Thank you all for coming to dance with us and make our dance so fun!




It is unknown at this time if we will have two or three dances in November.  We may once again have a 2nd, 3rd and 4th Friday dance in November.  Check out the blog in a couple f weeks to see.

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter

October 22, 2024

Chini Feed and Western Hoe33down Dance

On Friday, Oct. 18 Single Trees held its 3rd Friday dance with K.C. Curtis calling and Sandy Harris cueing.  K.C. always calls an excellent dance for us.  A small but enthusiastic group of dancers attended this Chili Feed and Western Hoedown themed dance.  This reporter did not attend but thanks to a fellow member Renee VanDole found out about the highlights.


There were  two squares in attendance with a few more dancers on the sidelines.  Three pots of chili were set out for tasting along with small bread rolls and lots of cheese, sour cream etc. to top off a bowl.  Apparently not enough votes were cast to make a determination of which pot was the best.  But thanks to those who brought them:  our president, Melba Walker, fellow member Margaret McVey and one other..


This coming Friday's dance will be our Halloween Bash.  What will our V.P. and Treasurer Joy Pitts come up with this year?  There will be a photo corner filled with ghosts and goblins so bring your cameras.  Roger Putzler will be calling and Sandy Harris cueing. 


Here are some blasts from the past Halloween dances we've had:

Halloween contest winners in 2011.

Winners in 2014 (can you recognize Joy?). 

The woman who couldn't6 find her little dog.

Happy dancing, everyone,

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter


October 12, 2024

Fun Night of Dancing

Fun! Fun! Fun! Our Oct. 11, 2024 dance was a barrel of fun, led by a fairly new caller Shaun McKamey in his big, black cowboy hat and our cuer Jackie Gale who had a really full round dance floor for the first time in a while. This was our first time returning to dance on the second Friday and what a way to get back to it. Shawn is now the caller for Sweet Home Squarenaders, making a come back, and the caller for Lebanon square Circlers as their long-time caller Charlotte Jaskey retired recently. Shawn while still quite new has a tremendous amount of potential. He has a fine singing voice, good stage presence, a clear voice easily heard by the dancers, and already knows how to put calls together for interest. His calling is also very well-paced. Those who missed this dance and there were many should make a note not to miss dancing to him again or take the time to go to one of the clubs to the north of us to dance. Here are two photos taken by our president Melba Walker. 


Shawn McKamey calling

Two squares of happy dancers

There were only two squares on the floor at that time when Melba took the photos, but we did have three squares for mainstream on occasion. Squarenaders, Corvallis squares and Lebanon really came out in force to support their new caller. We also had visitors from south of us—Cottage Grove and Roseburg dancers. We appreciated seeing them all.

Melba and her sister Joy had decorated the hall with Halloween décor, Melba encouraged everyone to return on Oct. 25 for our Halloween Bash because there will be a photo corner with lots of ghosts and goblins for a good photo op as well as good calling by Roger Putzler and cueing by Sandy Harris.

Don’t forget next week on Oct. 18 we will have K.C. Curtis from the Portland area calling and Sandy Harris cueing for a Western Hoedown and Chili Feed Dance.

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter