February 29, 2024

Chinese New Year's Dance Feb. 23

Last Friday night Feb. 23 Single Trees hosted a mainstream dance called by K.C. Curtis and cued by Sandy Harris.  The theme was Chinese New Year's and some did wear their Chinese attire.  The hall was decorated very nicely as always by Melba Walker and her sister Joy Pitts, our President.


K.C. called a well-paced dance with excellent choice of music that well suited his wonderful baritone voice.  We love his voice and his calling and are happy that he came through chemo so well.  We hope to see him on our schedule often.  Sandy did a nice job of cueing.    We had three squares on the floor and a number of round dancers in the big ring.  What a fun dance it was!  We're looking forward to having the new dancers who just graduated out on the floor to join us.


In March on the 15th, we will have Phil Ramey up from Medford area calling with Sandy Harris cueing.  On the 22nd we will dance to Bruce Lowther and Jackie Gale who is returning to cue for us after a winter hiatus.  Please come join us at our large dance hall on Yolanda and 20th in Springfield.  Hard to believe we once had dancers who filled the dance floor but at least we are still dancing since we own our own hall and have wonderful renters to keep us afloat.


Next week at 6:30 on Wednesday March 6,  Single Trees and our sister club the Whirl-A-Ways will meet separately to discuss merging and afterwards  take a vote.  Anyone interested could come and hear to hear the discussion, but only club members will be able to vote of course.


Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter 

February 19, 2024

Sweetheart of a 60th Birthday Dance

On Friday, Feb. 16, 2024 Single Trees celebrated our 60th birthday in high style.  We had five squares on the floor at one time at least, with more dancers and friends visiting while watching the dancing or eating in the dining area.  


Dale Roberson who called for us from 1986 to 1996 during our boom years came up from Sutherlin with his wife Betty and two members of his family to help us celebrate.  While he did not call a tip for us, he stayed and talked with al the dancers who had once had the pleasure of dancing to his calling on a regular basis twice a month.

Besides this treat, we had a long time former member and former president of Single Trees, Florence Mulvihill, come to visit.  She is no longer dancing but it was a pleasure to see her.   Roseburg Buckeroos came with about a square of dancers.  Whirl-Aways, our sister club at the hall, had many dancers there to enjoy the festivities and dance the night away.


Melba Walker and Joy Pitts, our vice president and president, did a great job hosting the dance and decorating beforehand.  


It was a night to remember for sure.  Craig Abercromie called and cued the dance for us and did an outstanding job.  We love his calling and his positive attitude.

Here are some photos.  I hope I got a good representation of everyone who came.


Next week we will have K.C. Curtis back to call for us. Sandy Harris will do the cueing.  This should be a good dance as well.  Please come and join us.

February 3, 2024

Upcoming Birthday Dance

It's our

60th birthday

Feb. 16, 2024!

Please come

join us!



Sad News

We just learned today that our long time Life Time member, Angie Barta, passed away recently.  She first joined Single Trees in 1969 and danced with us for a very long time until she began to have knee problems, eventually requiring surgery.  Over the years she served on the board in many capacities and along with her life partner Alan Pritchard she represented Single Trees as area representatives for many years.  Even after she could no longer dance she attended our dances to help our Treasurer Joy Pitts on the front desk while Alan came to set up the break bar.  They were both invaluable, hard-working members.  Here are a few photos of her along with Alan and others


New Dancer Dance

 Hi, all.  

Single Trees had their new dancer dance in January but did not dance the next weekend because we were visited by a huge ice storm which kept people at home for over five days, left many without power for over a week, caused terrible damage to our fine trees especially to the east of Eugene in Springfield.


This past weekend Jan. 26- 28 we did not dance in this area as our Mid-Winter Festival was taking place up in Albany at the fairgrounds.  A few Single Trees were in attendance including those who also belong to Whirl-A-Ways, Larry Reetz and Connie Seamans who were there in official capacities helping the Mid-Winter committee .  Those who were there the whole weekend or at least for all day Saturday were: Joy Pitts, President, Melba Walker, Vice President, Paul Hash, Diana Hodges, Gaynor Hintz, Chris Vanderlinde.  There may have been more but I did not see them.


I danced the whole time in the Advanced Hall which had from 4 to 6 squares dancing to the featured callers, Jet Roberts amd Scott B3ennett, our own Randy Dibble and Scott Zinser from Oregon, and Ray Brendzy from Canada.  With such a line-up it wasn't any wonder we had six squares at times.  Overall, I just heard there were 802 registered for the festival.  This number is up from last year so it bodes well for the future.  I saw many younger people on the floor which also bodes well.


I had a terrific time and hope to go again next year.

Here are a few photos I took while resting on the sidelines in the Advanced Hall.

It was sad not to see Ian Craig calling for us this year.  He passed away suddenly earlier in January.  We were lucky to get Ray Brendzy to fill in his slots on the schedule.  But Ian will be greatly missed because he was the caller for the Silverton teen club along with Leonard Snodgrass who also passed away suddenly a while ago.

Gaynor Hintz

Club Reporter