July 15, 2013

July 31st - Round Dance Party

All level Round Dance Party with Christine Corelli-Goode from 6 pm to 8 pm. The usually cost is $5 but the beginning waltz class members will be free since she doesn't think it is fair to charge if someone can just dance one phase and one rhythm.  Also, if you only know Two Step, phase 2 and nothing else, you are also free. So that's really nice.  So all you beginners and everyone else as well, come and fill the dance floor.

There will be a Split-the-Pot, too.  And bring treats if you'd like.  Christine will have some there, too.

An as an aside - if you want to learn to  do the Two-Step  - her class will begin Sept. 9th at 7 pm at the hall.

July 14, 2013

Square Dancing for Exercise and the Mind

1) It is a great way to exercise and it is lots of fun to boot.  Square Dancing is endorsed  by the American Heart Association.  In a typical dance you will walk 3-5 miles if you keep going the whole time.

2) Square Dancing has also been endorsed by the Alzheimer’s Association because it keeps your mind sharp. Lessons start with 50 different calls and get up to about 68.  If you want to stretch yourself further, you go for the plus lessons, eventually, and learn about 30 more calls.

3) Square dancing costs a lot less than a health club, and it doesn't feel like work!

4) I’ll bet that you didn't  know that you can square dance to just about any type of music.  We’re talking, Rock, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Classical, Gospel.  Frankly all you need is a beat to move your feet to.

5) We have a saying around square dancing that it is good for ages 8-98.  Younger then age 8 you get into a problem with memory retention.  :-)

Many thanks to a square dance friend for some of this obvious information.

July 8, 2013

Honor Flight Dance did well

Many Single Trees and other clubs attended the fundraiser for the WW II Honor Flight fund sponsored by the Whirl-A-Ways. More than $2500 was raised between donations and  the silent auction. Some of our club members were glad to be able to contribute as well. Fun was had by all.

This was also a Single Trees visitation (there sure were a lot of us - see photo below) to the Whirl-A-Ways Hawaiian themed square dance in June - their last for the summer - honored their caller for several years, Bob Ewing (far left in front row), who is moving on to embrace other interests.  He is calling for Single Trees on July 12th - so come on down!  (And thanks to Lois for the great photos.)