January 29, 2020

This coming Saturday, Feb 1, is the Wolf Pack Superbowl Dance - $5.

7:30 - Plus
8:00 - 10:00 Mainstream Dance

Sandy Harris - Calling
Christina Corelli - Cueing

Emerald Dance Center
2095 Yolanda
Springfield, OR

January 27, 2020

It was a great Mid-Winter Festival! We had a good turnout and everyone appeared to be having a great time. If you have photos you would like to share, please email them to me at jnkmls999@gmail.com with MWF photos in the subject line. I'll try to get as many as possible posted here. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos!
Buccaneers MAINSTREAM will debut Friday, January 31. 

We now have a Fifth Friday Buccaneers MAINSTREAM dance as well as our First Friday Buccaneers Plus dance.

So, please join us this Friday at the Emerald Dance Center in Springfield.

7:30 - Pre-Rounds with Christina Corelli
8:00 - MAINSTREAM dance with Roger Putzler

Then, next Friday, it's Buccaneers Plus with same format.  Wow, February 7 already!

Thank you and hope to see you all soon!

January 10, 2020

I'm new to this ...

Hi all. This is Lin, and I have taken on trying to keep this site up to date. I'm pretty new at this and I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet, so please be patient while I learn the ropes. If you have any photos or news you would like to see here send me an email and I'll get it posted as soon as I can. My email is jnkmls999@gmail.com. Wish me luck! LOL

Dance schedule changes

There have been some changes to our 2020 dance schedule. Here's the updated info:

  2019-2020 Single Trees Dance Schedule

Jan. 10            Roger Putzler/ Christina Corelli     New Dancer Dance
       24            DARK FOR MID-WINTER

Feb. 14           Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale   Sweetheart of a 56th Birthday                 
        28        Canceled/ DARK

Mar. 13          Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale     Luck of the Irish/Baked Potato Bar
         27          Scott Zinser/ Jackie Gale

April 10          Jim Hattrick/Jackie Gale                Spring Fling
       l 24       Darrell Kalmbach/Christina Corelli

May 8         George Hermann & Mike Kious/Gale      Combined Mexican Fiesta
        22        DARK

June 12     Hattrick/  Gale                      Annual Reigning Cats and Dogs Benefit
        26      Craig Abercrombie/ Jackie Gale

July 10       Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale          Crazy T-Shirt Dance
       24       Lennie Ludiker/ Jackie Gale

Aug. 14     Jim Hattrick/ Jackie Gale           
         21     Terry Halley/ Jackie Gale          Tropical Beach Party

Sept.  11     TBA
          25      Richard Lane?


 (Updated  11/23/19)